Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Today I will tell you the experience I had with a little girl called Anna. Anna sat on the edge of my couch for about a week. She wanted me to meet a women that would be able to pass on the information to her family so after a couple nights talking to Anna she told me to go to Walmart the next morning and the women would be there. So the next morning I was parked at Walmart I waited maybe 5 minutes, looking at everyone that would pull in and walk into Walmart. Then this woman pulled in. I got the message that, that was her. So I bravely got out of my vehicle and she walked right by me. I was frozen in fear, fear that she was not the correct person, fear that I would be embarrest and so I decided to follow her in to Walmart. It was Valentine’s day. This woman went over to the Valentines isle and had a grocery basket that she proceeds to put things in.  I grab bananas so I didn't look to obvious that I was stalking her. She went up one isle to the next, I passed her 3 times and I still could not open my mouth to pass on this simple message. She was headed for the check out, so I got in line to buy my bananas and then I hear Anna saying she is not going to buy anything and she will be walking out. I then thought I don't have the right person her basket was full of Valentines Day stuff. I bought my bananas and looked over and this women left her basket in line and walked out not buying anything. I then felt panick. This was her. Now I must hunt her down in the parking lot and tell her this message I was so nervous. I watched the women get in her car and drive away. Yes she drove away. I did not say a word to her. I sat in my car and cried and apologized to Anna for not giving her the message. I felt I let Anna down. I went to work and was so upset all day. I did not have the courage to approach a stranger to give her a short message that perhaps could change her life and the life’s of Anna's family. That night I came home and there was Anna on the couch. She knew how upset I was over this and she said lets write it down and she will show me where to put the message. So that night I wrote down Anna's message put it in a envelope and let Anna direct me to where it was to go. The next morning I was driving to work and Anna told me to keep going straight. Keep driving so I did. I went through all this construction work area, through a parking lot to the back of some office buildings and there was the women’s car from Walmart. I was so excited and so nervous at the same time, and could not believe it was that easy. I put the letter on the women’s vehicle and I never saw Anna again. I was so grateful for the experience even though I made it harder on myself then it needed to be. I then began listening to all the spirits that would visit me and they all directed me to where or how to find address to send their messages

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